Fox host Jesse Watters discusses Adam Johnson's death alongside Sean Avery

Posted by Delta Gatti on Friday, May 3, 2024

During a recent Fox News segment, host Jesse Watters referred to the tragic death of former NHL player Adam Johnson as a "homicide".

During a live English Hockey League game. Johnson lost his life after opponent Matt Petgrave caught him in the neck with the blade of his skate. The incident has sent shockwaves throughout the hockey community, leaving many questioning the safety of the sport.

Watters wasted no time expressing his concern, asking:

"Well, to me, Shawn, it looks like homicide. What does it look like to you?"

Former NHL star Sean Avery, who joined the discussion, stated:

"Yeah, I mean, that's a pretty dangerous word to be throwing around. I think that so I've watched it. It's terrible."

Jesse further stated:

"I'm not saying it was premeditated murder, but they do have reckless homicide, negligent homicide. When you're throwing a blade, as you said that's dangerous up to someone's neck in a hockey move that no one's ever seen before. I don't like it."

The use of the term "homicide" ignited a heated discussion on the show.

Avery emphasized the unorthodox nature of the incident:

"I saw the leg move, and it shouldn't have been where it was. But again, it's also an unprovable offense. I mean, how can you actually prove what the intent was?"

Avery also shed light on the advancements in skate technology, raising questions about the safety of modern equipment.

While it is essential to approach this tragedy with caution and due process, the discussion on Fox News underscores the gravity of Adam Johnson's death. The hockey world is left grappling with the question: Was Adam Johnson's death a homicide or a tragic accident?

Chris Therien's controversial remarks ignite debate in the wake of Adam Johnson's tragic death

The death of Adam Johnson has created a maelstrom of theories and controversy within the hockey world.

Amid the heartfelt condolences and expressions of grief, former Philadelphia Flyers defenseman Chris Therien's remarks have stirred the pot, adding a layer of complexity to the ongoing discussion.

In a statement that left the hockey community divided, Therien remarked:

"After seeing the incident involving Adam Johnson, that Bush league needs to shut down for investigation immediately. I was literally appalled and sickened by what I saw. It looked intentional. It was a Kung fu kick. My eyes are not lying, tell me I'm wrong."

Therien's comments have ignited a passionate debate, with some advocating for a closer examination of the incident to discern its true nature. The South Yorkshire Police have taken it upon themselves to actively inquire into the incident.

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